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      1。It can be inferred from the passage that Herr Edelweiss。    
      A。was remembered by the people all over world    
      B。made a lot of money from his invention    
      C。was not very famous    
      D。was a business partner of Sylvan Goodman    
      2。The author writes this article in order to illustrate that。    
      A。the names of the people who invented the most useful things are usually forgotten    
      B。everyday objects are invented and evolve through natural selection    
      C。many everyday objects are invented more than once    
      D。many famous people have passed away without being noticed    
      3。Who probably invented spoons?    
      A。Leonardo da Vinci。 B。Benjamin Franklin。    
      C。Victor Farris。 D。A person unknown。    
      4。 By stating that Leonardo da Vinci invented helicopters; the author means 。    
      A。 he really did it    
      B。 he is a military scientist    
      C。 he painted in one of his masterpieces a helicopters    
      D。 people turn to ascribe inventions to him but they are wrong    
      5。What can be inferred about Aldous Huxley?    
      A。His death was not reported by the press。    
      B。He was a famous inventor。    
      C。He made a very big mistake in his late years。    
      D。He died on the same day as John F。Kenneddy。    
      1。canopy n。 天篷    
      2。pram n。 婴儿车    
      ①【解析】“the same goes”解析为同样的事情也发生,例:The same goes for our classmates。同样的事情也发生在我的同学身上。 who 引导的定语从句修饰inventor。    
      ②【解析】a household name 应译为“家喻户晓的名字”,2个“and”连接3个并列句。“for all I know”作插入语,译为“据我所知”。    
      1。 C推断题。虽然文中第三段对他进行了详细的介绍,但是直到第六段才第一次出现Herr Edelweiss这个名字,根据上下文可以看出他是瑞士人,刚刚去世。因为他发明了supermarket trolley,在他的家乡人们以塑像和发行邮票的方式纪念他,但即便如此作者怀疑if his name will be remembered outside the borders of his small country,而作者自己也在几分钟后忘掉了他的名字。由此可以推断出Herr Edelweiss was not very famous。Edelweiss并不是Sylvan Goodman的商业伙伴,但他们都发明了超级市场的手推车。    
      2。 A主旨题。作者在文中提到了几位人们所不熟悉的发明家,如Victor Farris,Herr Edelweiss,和sylvan Goodman,他们发明了像paper clips,milk cartons,和supermarket trolleys等非常有用的日常物品,但是他们的名字常常不为人所知;人们更不曾记得是谁发明了scissors,bicycles,spoons。。。,因此文章的主旨是称赞那些默默无闻的发明家,A是最佳选项。    
      3。 D推断题。本题的关键是对文中第五段第三句的理解,不能按照字面意思理解成Leonardo da Vinci 发明了剪子、自行车、直升飞机、勺子、袜子和骰子,本杰明·富兰克林发明了避雷针、摇椅和两用眼镜,斯大林发明了电视机,作者的本意是说人们只记得一些著名人物,却根本不知道是谁发明了这些重要的日常用品。    
      4。 D细节题。达芬奇不可能发明直升飞机。答案应为D。人们只是喜欢把他想像成发明了很多东西的人。    
      5。 D推断题。从文中第一段我们可以得知Aldous Huxley很有名(his career had not been without distinction),但文中并没说他是个发明家;他的不幸之处是dying on the same day that John F。 Kennedy was assassinated,报纸以大量篇幅报道肯尼迪遇刺,Huxley的死讯只出现在报纸第27版的末尾部分,因此D为正确选项。    


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