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novel notes-第15章

小说: novel notes 字数: 每页4000字

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Apart from these drawbacks; however; the house was one that any doll agent would have been justified in describing as a 〃most desirable family residence〃; and it had been furnished with a lavishness that bordered on positive ostentation。  In the bedroom there was a washing…stand; and on the washing…stand there stood a jug and basin; and in the jug there was real water。  But all this was as nothing。 I have known mere ordinary; middle…class dolls' houses in which you might find washing…stands and jugs and basins and real wateray; and even soap。  But in this abode of luxury there was a real towel; so that a body could not only wash himself; but wipe himself afterwards; and that is a sensation that; as all dolls know; can be enjoyed only in the very first…class establishments。

Then; in the drawing…room; there was a clock; which would tick just so long as you continued to shake it (it never seemed to get tired); also a picture and a piano; and a book upon the table; and a vase of flowers that would upset the moment you touched it; just like a real vase of flowers。  Oh; there was style about this room; I can tell you。

But the glory of the house was its kitchen。  There were all things that heart could desire in this kitchen; saucepans with lids that took on and off; a flat…iron and a rolling…pin。  A dinner service for three occupied about half the room; and what space was left was filled up by the stovea REAL stove!  Think of it; oh ye owners of dolls' houses; a stove in which you could burn real bits of coal; and on which you could boil real bits of potato for dinnerexcept when people said you mustn't; because it was dangerous; and took the grate away from you; and blew out the fire; a thing that hampers a cook。

I never saw a house more complete in all its details。  Nothing had been overlooked; not even the family。  It lay on its back; just outside the front door; proud but calm; waiting to be put into possession。  It was not an extensive family。  It consisted of four papa; and mamma; and baby; and the hired girl; just the family for a beginner。

It was a well…dressed family toonot merely with grand clothes outside; covering a shameful condition of things beneath; such as; alas! is too often the case in doll society; but with every article necessary and proper to a lady or gentleman; down to items that I could not mention。  And all these garments; you must know; could be unfastened and taken off。  I have known dollsstylish enough dolls; to look at; some of themwho have been content to go about with their clothes gummed on to them; and; in some cases; nailed on with tacks; which I take to be a slovenly and unhealthy habit。  But this family could be undressed in five minutes; without the aid of either hot water or a chisel。

Not that it was advisable from an artistic point of view that any of them should。  They had not the figure that looks well in its natural statenone of them。  There was a want of fulness about them all。 Besides; without their clothes; it might have been difficult to distinguish the baby from the papa; or the maid from the mistress; and thus domestic complications might have arisen。

When all was ready for their reception we established them in their home。  We put as much of the baby to bed as the cot would hold; and made the papa and mamma comfortable in the drawing…room; where they sat on the floor and stared thoughtfully at each other across the table。  (They had to sit on the floor because the chairs were not big enough。)  The girl we placed in the kitchen; where she leant against the dresser in an attitude suggestive of drink; embracing the broom we had given her with maudlin affection。  Then we lifted up the house with care; and carried it cautiously into another room; and with the deftness of experienced conspirators placed it at the foot of a small bed; on the south…west corner of which an absurdly small somebody had hung an absurdly small stocking。

To return to our own doll's house; Ethelbertha and I; discussing the subject during our return journey in the train; resolved that; next year; we ourselves would possess a houseboat; a smaller houseboat; if possible; than even the one we had just seen。  It should have art…muslin curtains and a flag; and the flowers about it should be wild roses and forget…me…nots。  I could work all the morning on the roof; with an awning over me to keep off the sun; while Ethelbertha trimmed the roses and made cakes for tea; and in the evenings we would sit out on the little deck; and Ethelbertha would play the guitar (she would begin learning it at once); or we could sit quiet and listen to the nightingales。

For; when you are very; very young you dream that the summer is all sunny days and moonlight nights; that the wind blows always softly from the west; and that roses will thrive anywhere。  But; as you grow older; you grow tired of waiting for the gray sky to break。  So you close the door and come in; and crouch over the fire; wondering why the winds blow ever from the east:  and you have given up trying to rear roses。

I knew a little cottage girl who saved up her money for months and months so as to buy a new frock in which to go to a flower…show。 But the day of the flower…show was a wet day; so she wore an old frock instead。  And all the fete days for quite a long while were wet days; and she feared she would never have a chance of wearing her pretty white dress。  But at last there came a fete day morning that was bright and sunny; and then the little girl clapped her hands and ran upstairs; and took her new frock (which had been her 〃new frock〃 for so long a time that it was now the oldest frock she had) from the box where it lay neatly folded between lavender and thyme; and held it up; and laughed to think how nice she would look in it。

But when she went to put it on; she found that she had out…grown it; and that it was too small for her every way。  So she had to wear a common old frock after all。

Things happen that way; you know; in this world。  There were a boy and girl once who loved each other very dearly。  But they were both poor; so they agreed to wait till he had made enough money for them to live comfortably upon; and then they would marry and be happy。 It took him a long while to make; because making money is very slow work; and he wanted; while he was about it; to make enough for them to be very happy upon indeed。  He accomplished the task eventually; however; and came back home a wealthy man。

Then they met again in the poorly…furnished parlour where they had parted。  But they did not sit as near to each other as of old。  For she had lived alone so long that she had grown old…maidish; and she was feeling vexed with him for having dirtied the carpet with his muddy boots。  And he had worked so long earning money that he had grown hard and cold like the money itself; and was trying to think of something affectionate to say to her。

So for a while they sat; one each side of the paper 〃fire…stove ornament;〃 both wondering why they had shed such scalding tears on that day they had kissed each other good…bye; then said 〃good…bye〃 again; and were glad。

There is another tale with much the same moral that I learnt at school out of a copy…book。  If I remember rightly; it runs somewhat like this:…

Once upon a time there lived a wise grasshopper and a foolish ant。 All through the pleasant summer weather the grasshopper sported and played; gambolling with his fellows in and out among the sun…beams; dining sumptuously each day on leaves and dew…drops; never troubling about the morrow; singing ever his one peaceful; droning song。

But there came the cruel winter; and the grass…hopper; looking around; saw that his friends; the flowers; lay dead; and knew thereby that his own little span was drawing near its close。

Then he felt glad that he had been so happy; and had not wasted his life。  〃It has been very short;〃 said he to himself; 〃but it has been very pleasant; and I think I have made the best use of it。  I have drunk in the sunshine; I have lain on the soft; warm air; I have played merry games in the waving grass; I have tasted the juice of the sweet green leaves。  I have done what I could。  I have spread my wings; I have sung my song。 

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