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穿书女主争夺战 作者:苏雪若(晋 |热度 81 | | 上传: 风雅颂 |更新时间:2017-03-20
:附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━《穿书女主争夺战》作者:苏雪若晋江VIP2014-07-16完结非V章节总点击数:141877   总书评数:733 当前被收藏数:2055 文章积分:19,861,092文案  这是一本……女主穿越到书中,欲发展玛丽苏光芒,结果发现,男1是穿的,男2是穿的,男3也是穿的……她这还肿么苏(°ο°)~@  好吧,我这个文案废。请亲们耐心点看完第一章,看完就明白作者君要写个什么样的故事了,同时也能判断自己是否喜欢,是否看下去。  新文求收藏,求包养,求评论。  PS:此文穿书架空,完全没有历史根据,都是作者瞎编的,如有雷同纯属巧合。  女主傲娇,非良善,实乃真坏蛋一枚。... 
炮灰也有生存权 作者:墨涧空堂( |热度 133 | | 上传: 人生几何 |更新时间:2017-03-20
:附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━书名:炮灰也有生存权作者:墨涧空堂文案世界上最苦逼的事情莫过于人家穿成了女主,你却成了女配。而世界上最最苦逼的事情。莫过于人家起码还能捞到个女配享清福,你却成了平时闲置,有事第一个被拎出来送死的炮灰。试问穿成才刚登场就即将被淫魔给XXOO至死的炮灰女,怎破?内容标签:穿越时空 修真 强取豪夺 欢喜冤家搜索关键字:主角:苏青竹 ┃ 配角:除了炮灰之外的一切生物 ┃ 其它:主角什么的都去SHI吧☆、第一章  有那么一个夜里——也可能是白天——苏青竹做了一个梦。  她梦见自己走在一个漆黑的山洞里。走着走着,前方突然出现一位模样俊美的男子,大步朝她而来。... 
末世群兽 作者:苑咨崆(晋江vip12 |热度 55 | | 上传: 套牢 |更新时间:2017-03-20
○━━━━╯ ━━━━━━━━━━━▇▇▇●●▇▇▇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▇▇▇●●末世群兽作者:苑咨崆第一章第一章二零一一年三月的一个清晨。杨健从助手的手里接过一只用毯子包裹住的小动物,跳下吉普车疾步冲进了营地。兽医林嘉早已等在门口,领着杨健快步赶到了医务室。杨健将小东西放到台子上,林嘉打开毯子一看,露出一头浑身雪白绒毛还没睁眼的小老虎。或许是感觉到了光亮,小老虎伸了伸小脑袋,糯糯地呀呀叫了两声,声音稚嫩可爱。林嘉仔细地查看了小老虎的身体后,摘下听筒:“罕见的东北白化虎,公的,身体没有什么毛病,小家伙很健康。”她看了眼杨健,虽然知道是明知故问,还是问道:“母虎呢?”杨健听到小虎身体没毛病,刚松了一口气,听到林嘉问,脸色又凝重起来,眼里透着悲愤:“母虎没有抛弃小家伙,却在觅食回来的时候被偷猎者杀了,真是可恶!要不是我们及时赶到,这小家伙也完了。”... 
农家寡妇 作者:暮烟秋雨(晋江vip |热度 31 | | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
书名:农家寡妇作者:暮烟秋雨文案穿越成农家寡妇,附带两个便宜小包子,后嫁了个憨厚却有隐疾的男人。勤劳致富,过上幸福美满的日子。这就是她的目标!内容标签:穿越时空 布衣生活 种田文1、穿越 ...  身子疲累到极点,连想要抬手的力气都没有,朦胧中隐约听到有人声:“唉!你说这二牛媳妇也怪可怜的……”    后面还有什么,程曼柔就没有听清了,只因她的意识已渐渐模糊,都没来得及思考这话是何意思便已经完全陷入黑暗,人事不知。    等她再次睁开眼,入目的是一顶藏青色帐顶,细密的白布与她房间带有蕾丝花纹的蚊帐一点都不一样。动了动手指,感觉身体有点力气了,正要起身,便听到一声爽朗的女音,满含惊喜的传来:“哎呀!二牛媳妇,你可醒了!”    说罢,那说话的人又快步朝门口跑去,边跑边喊:“二牛媳妇醒了!大叔,快领了大宝小宝来看看吧!”然后又折回来想要扶她起床。... 
汉歌未央 作者:安敦恬澈(晋江201 |热度 36 | | 上传: 溜溜 |更新时间:2017-03-20
:附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  ☆、第一章 玉佩启轮回  你不会无缘无故爱上一个人,更不会无缘无故爱上一座城;你想去的每一个地方,都会有你期望寻找的东西,是一章回忆?是一种味道?是一抹芳香?还是一首未央歌?  车行一路,一路风光,风光常看常新,常看常新的却不是长安。盛夏时节,冷心恬、冷如尧决定一个星期以后,她们要放下工作,一起出行,西行至古都西安。  车水马龙的长安街上,难得有一块小小的僻静之处,冷心恬和冷如尧今天出来得很早,大家还都赶去上班的时候,她们就走累了坐了下来,讨论到哪里去……潘家园吧?  “随便转转,也许有什么好玩有趣的东西,”冷如尧建议着。  “那好吧,我们就去古玩儿市场。”冷心恬表示同意。... 
系统最佳攻略+番外 作者:雪茶(晋 |热度 202 | | 上传: 乐乐陶陶 |更新时间:2017-03-20
:附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆、第1章 帅哥快到碗里来(1)  漆黑的楼道比平时看起来似乎显得更加冗长,平缓的脚步声在这个过于安静的空间响起,清晰的回荡在周围,她小心翼翼的踏着每一节台阶,走动中,白皙的手指轻轻的碰了一下积满厚厚一层灰的楼梯扶手,然后一顿,又将手抽了回来,轻轻拍去手上不经意间抹上的灰尘。  她的神情透露着明显的紧张,整个脸都紧紧的崩着,如果这个时候的光亮足够,应该就可以看见她额头上冒出的那些细密的汗珠。  直到走完最后一节台阶,她猛的呼了一口气,黑暗中,背后突然伸出一只手轻轻的拍了下她的肩膀,让她的后背顿时僵住,心仿佛被提到了嗓子口。  张口就要大叫之际一只手突然蒙住了她的嘴巴,展露在外的那双眸子因为惊恐而睁得老大。... 
the sequel of appomattox |热度 35 | | 上传: 竹水冷 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Sequel of Appomattox, A Chronicle of the Reunion of the Statesby Walter Lynwood FlemingCHAPTER I. THE AFTERMATH OF WARWhen the armies of the Union and of the Confederacy were disbanded in 1865, two matters had been settled beyond further dispute: the Negro was to be free, and the Union was to be perpetuated. But, though slavery and state sovereignty were no longer at issue, there were still many problems which pressed for solution. The huge task of reconstruction must be faced. The nature of the situation required that the measures of reconstruction be first formulated in Washington by the victors and then worked out in the conquered South. Since the success of these policies would depe 
preface to v-1 |热度 79 | | 上传: 理性的思索 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Preface To The First Volume.Diligence and accuracy are the only merits which anhistorical writer may ascribe to himself; if any merit, indeed,can be assumed from the performance of an indispensable duty. Imay therefore be allowed to say, that I have carefully examinedall the original materials that could illustrate the subjectwhich I had undertaken to treat. Should I ever complete theextensive design which has been sketched out in the Preface, Imight perhaps conclude it with a critical account of the authorsconsulted during the progress of the whole work; and however suchan attempt might incur the censure of ostentation, I am persuaded... 
the complete works of artemus |热度 30 | | 上传: 标点 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Complete Works of Artemus Ward, Part 3by Charles Farrar BrowneWith a biographical sketch by Melville D. Landon, "Eli Perkins"CONTENTS.PART III.Stories and Romances.3.1. Moses the Sassy; or, The Disguised Duke.3.2. Marion: A Romance of the French School.3.3. William Barker, the Young Patriot.3.4. A RomanceThe Conscript.3.5. A RomanceOnly a Mechanic.3.6. Roberto the Rover; A Tale of Sea and Shore.3.7. Red Hand: A Tale of Revenge.3.8. Pyrotechny: A Romance after the French.3.9. The Last of the Culkinses.3.10. A Mormon RomanceReginald Gloverson.PART III. STORIES AND ROMANCES.3.1. MOSES THE SASSY; OR, THE DISGUISED DUKE.... 
the golden asse |热度 37 | | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Golden Asseby Lucius ApuleiusTranslated by William AdlingtonDedicationTo the Right Honourable and Mighty Lord, THOMAS EARLE OF SUSSEX, Viscount Fitzwalter, Lord of Egremont and of Burnell, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Iustice of the forrests and Chases from Trent Southward; Captain of the Gentleman Pensioners of the House of the QUEENE our Soveraigne Lady.After that I had taken upon me (right Honourable) in manner of that unlearned and foolish Poet, Cherillus, who rashly and unadvisedly wrought a big volume in verses, of the valiant prowesse of Alexander the Great, to translate this present booke, contayning the Metamorphosis of Lucius Apuleius; being mooved thereunto 
the bhagavad-gita(巴哥维得·吉 |热度 72 | | 上传: 雨霖铃 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Bhagavad-Gita, translatedThe Bhagavad-GitaTranslated Sir Edwin Arnold1- Page 2-The Bhagavad-Gita, translatedDedicationTO INDIASo have I read this wonderful and spirit-thrilling speech, By Krishnaand Prince Arjun held, discoursing each with each; So have I writ itswisdom here,its hidden mystery, For England; O our India! as dear to meas She!EDWIN ARNOLD2- Page 3-The Bhagavad-Gita, translated... 
eminent victorians |热度 45 | | 上传: 爱之冰点 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Eminent Victoriansby Lytton StracheyPrefaceTHE history of the Victorian Age will never be written; we knowtoo much about it. For ignorance is the first requisite of thehistorianignorance, which simplifies and clarifies, whichselects and omits, with a placid perfection unattainable by thehighest art. Concerning the Age which has just passed, ourfathers and our grandfathers have poured forth and accumulated sovast a quantity of information that the industry of a Ranke wouldbe submerged by it, and the perspicacity of a Gibbon would quailbefore it. It is not by the direct method of a scrupulousnarration that the explorer of the past can hope to depict that... 
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