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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第51章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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used to go back to the prison; and walk up and down the parade 
with Mr。 Micawber; or play casino with Mrs。 Micawber; and hear 
reminiscences of her papa and mama。 Whether Mr。 Murdstone 
knew where I was; I am unable to say。 I never told them at 
Murdstone and Grinby’s。 

Mr。 Micawber’s affairs; although past their crisis; were very 
much involved by reason of a certain ‘Deed’; of which I used to 
hear a great deal; and which I suppose; now; to have been some 
former composition with his creditors; though I was so far from 
being clear about it then; that I am conscious of having 
confounded it with those demoniacal parchments which are held 
to have; once upon a time; obtained to a great extent in Germany。 
At last this document appeared to be got out of the way; somehow; 
at all events it ceased to be the rock…ahead it had been; and Mrs。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Micawber informed me that ‘her family’ had decided that Mr。 
Micawber should apply for his release under the Insolvent Debtors 
Act; which would set him free; she expected; in about six weeks。 

‘And then;’ said Mr。 Micawber; who was present; ‘I have no 
doubt I shall; please Heaven; begin to be beforehand with the 
world; and to live in a perfectly new manner; if—in short; if 
anything turns up。’ 

By way of going in for anything that might be on the cards; I 
call to mind that Mr。 Micawber; about this time; composed a 
petition to the House of Commons; praying for an alteration in the 
law of imprisonment for debt。 I set down this remembrance here; 
because it is an instance to myself of the manner in which I fitted 
my old books to my altered life; and made stories for myself; out of 
the streets; and out of men and women; and how some main points 
in the character I shall unconsciously develop; I suppose; in 
writing my life; were gradually forming all this while。 

There was a club in the prison; in which Mr。 Micawber; as a 
gentleman; was a great authority。 Mr。 Micawber had stated his 
idea of this petition to the club; and the club had strongly 
approved of the same。 Wherefore Mr。 Micawber (who was a 
thoroughly good…natured man; and as active a creature about 
everything but his own affairs as ever existed; and never so happy 
as when he was busy about something that could never be of any 
profit to him) set to work at the petition; invented it; engrossed it 
on an immense sheet of paper; spread it out on a table; and 
appointed a time for all the club; and all within the walls if they 
chose; to come up to his room and sign it。 

When I heard of this approaching ceremony; I was so anxious to 
see them all come in; one after another; though I knew the greater 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

part of them already; and they me; that I got an hour’s leave of 
absence from Murdstone and Grinby’s; and established myself in a 
corner for that purpose。 As many of the principal members of the 
club as could be got into the small room without filling it; 
supported Mr。 Micawber in front of the petition; while my old 
friend Captain Hopkins (who had washed himself; to do honour to 
so solemn an occasion) stationed himself close to it; to read it to all 
who were unacquainted with its contents。 The door was then 
thrown open; and the general population began to come in; in a 
long file: several waiting outside; while one entered; affixed his 
signature; and went out。 To everybody in succession; Captain 
Hopkins said: ‘Have you read it?’—‘No。’—‘Would you like to hear 
it read?’ If he weakly showed the least disposition to hear it; 
Captain Hopkins; in a loud sonorous voice; gave him every word of 
it。 The Captain would have read it twenty thousand times; if 
twenty thousand people would have heard him; one by one。 I 
remember a certain luscious roll he gave to such phrases as ‘The 
people’s representatives in Parliament assembled;’ ‘Your 
petitioners therefore humbly approach your honourable house;’ 
‘His gracious Majesty’s unfortunate subjects;’ as if the words were 
something real in his mouth; and delicious to taste; Mr。 Micawber; 
meanwhile; listening with a little of an author’s vanity; and 
contemplating (not severely) the spikes on the opposite wall。 

As I walked to and fro daily between Southwark and 
Blackfriars; and lounged about at meal…times in obscure streets; 
the stones of which may; for anything I know; be worn at this 
moment by my childish feet; I wonder how many of these people 
were wanting in the crowd that used to come filing before me in 
review again; to the echo of Captain Hopkins’s voice! When my 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

thoughts go back; now; to that slow agony of my youth; I wonder 
how much of the histories I invented for such people hangs like a 
mist of fancy over well…remembered facts! When I tread the old 
ground; I do not wonder that I seem to see and pity; going on 
before me; an innocent romantic boy; making his imaginative 
world out of such strange experiences and sordid things! 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 12 


In due time; Mr。 Micawber’s petition was ripe for hearing; and 
that gentleman was ordered to be discharged under the Act; 
to my great joy。 His creditors were not implacable; and Mrs。 
Micawber informed me that even the revengeful boot…maker had 
declared in open court that he bore him no malice; but that when 
money was owing to him he liked to be paid。 He said he thought it 
was human nature。 

M r Micawber returned to the King’s Bench when his case was 
over; as some fees were to be settled; and some formalities 
observed; before he could be actually released。 The club received 
him with transport; and held an harmonic meeting that evening in 
his honour; while Mrs。 Micawber and I had a lamb’s fry in private; 
surrounded by the sleeping family。 

‘On such an occasion I will give you; Master Copperfield;’ said 
Mrs。 Micawber; ‘in a little more flip;’ for we had been having some 
already; ‘the memory of my papa and mama。’ 

‘Are they dead; ma’am?’ I inquired; after drinking the toast in a 

‘My mama departed this life;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; ‘before Mr。 
Micawber’s difficulties commenced; or at least before they became 
pressing。 My papa lived to bail Mr。 Micawber several times; and 
then expired; regretted by a numerous circle。’ 

Mrs。 Micawber shook her head; and dropped a pious tear upon 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

the twin who happened to be in hand。 

As I could hardly hope for a more favourable opportunity of 
putting a question in which I had a near interest; I said to Mrs。 

‘May I ask; ma’am; what you and Mr。 Micawber intend to do; 
now that Mr。 Micawber is out of his difficulties; and at liberty? 
Have you settled yet?’ 

‘My family;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; who always said those two 
words with an air; though I never could discover who came under 
the denomination; ‘my family are of opinion that Mr。 Micawber 
should quit London; and exert his talents in the country。 Mr。 
Micawber is a man of great talent; Master Copperfield。’ 

I said I was sure of that。 

‘Of great talent;’ repeated Mrs。 Micawber。 ‘My family are of 
opinion; that; with a little interest; something might be done for a 
man of his ability in the Custom House。 The influence of my family 
being local; it is their wish that Mr。 Micawber should go down to 
Plymouth。 They think it indispensable that he should be upon the 

‘That he may be ready?’ I suggested。 

‘Exactly;’ returned Mrs。 Micawber。 ‘That he may be ready—in 
case of anything turning up。’ 

‘And do you go too; ma’am?’ 

The events of the day; in combination with the twins; if not with 
the flip; had made Mrs。 Micawber hysterical; and she shed tears as 
she replied: 

‘I never will desert Mr。 Micawber。 Mr。 Micawber may have 
concealed his difficulties from me in the first instance; but his 

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