贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a far country >


a far country-第102章

小说: a far country 字数: 每页4000字

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presentiment; all along; that something would occur to separate us?  As I
went back over the hours we had passed together since she had
acknowledged her love; in spite of myself the conviction grew on me that
she had never believed in the reality of our future。  Indeed; she had
expressed her disbelief in words。  Had she been looking all along for a
signa sign of wrath?  And would she accept this accident of Ham's as

Retrospection left me trembling and almost sick。

It was not until the second morning after her departure that I received a
telegram giving the name of her Boston hotel; and saying that there was
to be a consultation that day; and as soon as it had taken place she
would write。  Such consolation as I could gather from it was derived from
four words at the end;she missed me dreadfully。  Some tremor of pity
for her entered into my consciousness; without mitigating greatly the
wildness of my resentment; of my forebodings。

I could bear no longer the city; the Club; the office; the daily contact
with my associates and clients。  Six hours distant; near Rossiter; was a
small resort in the mountains of which I had heard。  I telegraphed Nancy
to address me there; notified the office; packed my bag; and waited
impatiently for midday; when I boarded the train。  At seven I reached a
little station where a stage was waiting to take me to Callender's Mill。

It was not until morning that I beheld my retreat; when little wisps of
vapour were straying over the surface of the lake; and the steep green
slopes that rose out of the water on the western side were still in
shadow。  The hotel; a much overgrown and altered farm…house; stood;
surrounded by great trees; in an ancient clearing that sloped gently to
the water's edge; where an old…fashioned; octagonal summerhouse
overlooked a landing for rowboats。  The resort; indeed; was a survival of
simpler times。。。。

In spite of the thirty…odd guests; people of very moderate incomes who
knew the place and had come here year after year; I was as much alone as
if I had been the only sojourner。  The place was so remote; so peaceful
in contrast to the city I had left; which had become intolerable。  And at
night; during hours of wakefulness; the music of the waters falling over
the dam was soothing。  I used to walk down there and sit on the stones of
the ruined mill; or climb to the crests on the far side of the pond to
gaze for hours westward where the green billows of the Alleghenies lost
themselves in the haze。  I had discovered a new country; here; when our
trials should be over; I would bring Nancy; and I found distraction in
choosing sites for a bungalow。  In my soul hope flowered with little
watering。  Uncertain news was good news。  After two days of an impatience
all but intolerable; her first letter arrived; I learned that the
specialists had not been able to make a diagnosis; and I began to take
heart again。  At times; she said; Ham was delirious and difficult to
manage; at other times he sank into a condition of coma; and again he
seemed to know her and Ralph; who had come up from Southampton; where he
had been spending the summer。  One doctor thought that Ham's remarkable
vitality would pull him through; in spite of what his life had been。  The
shockas might have been surmisedhad affected the brain。。。。  The
letters that followed contained no additional news; she did not dwell on
the depressing reactions inevitable from the situation in which she found
herselfone so much worse than mine; she expressed a continual longing
for me; and yet I had trouble to convince myself that they did not lack
the note of reassurance for which I strained as I eagerly scanned them
of reassurance that she had no intention of permitting her husband's
condition to interfere with that ultimate happiness on which it seemed my
existence depended。  I tried to account for the absence of this note by
reflecting that the letters were of necessity brief; hurriedly scratched
off at odd moments; and a natural delicacy would prevent her from
referring to our future at such a time。  They recorded no change in Ham's
condition save that the periods of coma had ceased。  The doctors were
silent; awaiting the arrival in this country of a certain New York
specialist who was abroad。  She spent most of her days at the hospital;
returning to the hotel at night exhausted: the people she knew in the
various resorts around Boston had been most kind; sending her flowers;
and calling when in town to inquire。  At length came the news that the
New York doctor was home again; and coming to Boston。  In that letter was
a sentence which rang like a cry in my ears: 〃Oh; Hugh; I think these
doctors know now what the trouble is; I think I know。  They are only
waiting for Dr。 Jameson to confirm it。〃

It was always an effort for me to control my impatience after the first
rattling was heard in the morning of the stage that brought the mail; and
I avoided the waiting group in front of the honeycombed partition of
boxes beside the 〃office。〃  On the particular morning of which I am now
writing the proprietor himself handed me a letter of ominous thickness
which I took with me down to the borders of the lake before tearing open
the flap。  In spite of the calmness and restraint of the first lines;
because of them; I felt creeping over me an unnerving sensation I knew
for dread。。。。

〃Hugh; the New York doctor has been here。  It is as I have feared for
some weeks; but I couldn't tell you until I was sure。  Ham is not exactly
insane; but he is childish。  Sometimes I think that is even worse。  I
have had a talk with Dr。 Jameson; who has simply confirmed the opinion
which the other physicians have gradually been forming。  The accident has
precipitated a kind of mental degeneration; but his health; otherwise;
will not be greatly affected。

〃Jameson was kind; but very frank; for which I was grateful。  He did not
hesitate to say that it would have been better if the accident had been
fatal。  Ham won't be helpless; physically。  Of course he won't be able to
play polo; or take much active exercise。  If he were to be helpless; I
could feel that I might be of some use; at least of more use。  He knows
his friends。  Some of them have been here to see him; and he talks quite
rationally with them; with Ralph; with me; only once in a while he says
something silly。  It seems odd to write that he is not responsible; since
he never has been;his condition is so queer that I am at a loss to
describe it。  The other morning; before I arrived from the hotel and when
the nurse was downstairs; he left the hospital; and we found him several
blocks along Commonwealth Avenue; seated on a bench; without a hathe
was annoyed that he had forgotten it; and quite sensible otherwise。  We
began by taking him out every morning in an automobile。  To…day he had a
walk with Ralph; and insisted on going into a club here; to which they
both belong。  Two or three men were there whom they knew; and he talked
to them about his fall from the pony and told them just how it happened。

At such times only a close observer can tell from his manner that
everything is not right。

〃Ralph; who always could manage him; prevented his taking anything to
drink。  He depends upon Ralph; and it will be harder for me when he is
not with us。  His attitude towards me is just about what it has always
been。  I try to amuse him by reading the newspapers and with games; we
have a chess…board。  At times he seems grateful; and then he will
suddenly grow tired and hard to control。  Once or twice I have had to
call in Dr。 Magruder; who owns the hospital。

〃It has been terribly hard for me to write all this; but I had to do it;
in order that you might understand the situation completely。  Hugh dear;
I simply can't leave him。  This has been becoming clearer and clearer to
me all these weeks; but it breaks my heart to have to write it。  I have
struggled against it; I have lain awake nights trying to find
justification for going to you; but it is stronger than I。  I am afraid
of itI suppose that's the truth。  Even in those unforgettable days at
the farm I was afraid of it; although I did not know wh

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