贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a far country >


a far country-第93章

小说: a far country 字数: 每页4000字

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I turned。

〃Don't you think you've overdrawn things; Maude exaggerated them?  No
marriages are perfect。  You've let your mind dwell until it has become
inflamed on matters which really don't amount to much。〃

〃I was never saner; Hugh;〃 she replied instantly。  And indeed I was
forced to confess that she looked it。  That new Maude I had seen emerging
of late years seemed now to have found herself; she was no longer the
woman I had married;yielding; willing to overlook; anxious to please;
living in me。

〃I don't influence you; or help you in any way。  I never have。〃

〃Oh; that's not true;〃 I protested。

But she cut me short; going on inexorably:

〃I am merely your housekeeper; and rather a poor one at that; from your
point of view。  You ignore me。  I am not blaming you for ityou are made
that way。  It's true that you have always supported me in luxury; that
might have been enough for another woman。  It isn't enough for meI;
too; have a life to live; a soul to be responsible for。  It's not for my
sake so much as for the children's that I don't want it to be crushed。〃

〃Crushed!〃 I repeated。

〃Yes。  You are stifling it。  I say again that I'm not blaming you; Hugh。
You are made differently from me。  All you care for; really; is your
career。  You may think that you care; at times; forother things; but it
isn't so。〃

I took; involuntarily; a deep breath。  Would she mention Nancy?  Was it
in reality Nancy who had brought about this crisis?  And did Maude
suspect the closeness of that relationship?

Suddenly I found myself begging her not to go; the more astonishing
since; if at any time during the past winter this solution had presented
itself to me as a possibility; I should eagerly have welcomed it!  But
should I ever have had the courage to propose a separation?  I even
wished to delude myself now into believing that what she suggested was in
reality not a separation。  I preferred to think of it as a trip。。。。  A
vision of freedom thrilled me; and yet I was wracked and torn。  I had an
idea that she was suffering; that the ordeal was a terrible one for her;
and at that moment there crowded into my mind; melting me; incident after
incident of our past。

〃It seems to me that we have got along pretty well together; Maude。  I
have been negligentI'll admit it。  But I'll try to do better in the
future。  Andif you'll wait a month or so; I'll go to Europe with you;
and we'll have a good time。〃

She looked at me sadly;pityingly; I thought。

〃No; Hugh; I've thought it all out。  You really don't want me。  You only
say this because you are sorry for me; because you dislike to have your
feelings wrung。  You needn't be sorry for me; I shall be much happier
away from you。〃

〃Think it over; Maude;〃 I pleaded。  〃I shall miss you and the children。
I haven't paid much attention to them; either; but I am fond of them; and
depend upon them; too。〃

She shook her head。

〃It's no use; Hugh。  I tell you I've thought it all out。  You don't care
for the children; you were never meant to have any。〃

〃Aren't you rather severe in your judgments?〃

〃I don't think so;〃 she answered。  〃I'm willing to admit my faults; that
I am a failure so far as you are concerned。  Your ideas of life and mine
are far apart。〃

〃I suppose;〃 I exclaimed bitterly; 〃that you are referring to my
professional practices。〃

A note of weariness crept into her voice。  I might have known that she
was near the end of her strength。

〃No; I don't think it's that;〃 she said dispassionately。  〃I prefer to
put it down; that part of it; to a fundamental difference of ideas。  I do
not feel qualified to sit in judgment on that part of your life; although
I'll admit that many of the things you have done; in common with the men
with whom you are associated; have seemed to me unjust and inconsiderate
of the rights and feelings of others。  You have alienated some of your
best friends。  If I were to arraign you at all; it would be on the score
of heartlessness。  But I suppose it isn't your fault; that you haven't
any heart。〃

〃That's unfair;〃 I put in。

〃I don't wish to be unfair;〃 she replied。  〃Only; since you ask me; I
have to tell you that that is the way it seems to me。  I don't want to
introduce the question of right and wrong into this; Hugh; I'm not
capable of unravelling it; I can't put myself into your life; and see
things from your point of view; weigh your problems and difficulties。  In
the first place; you won't let me。  I think I understand you; partlybut
only partly。  You have kept yourself shut up。  But why discuss it?  I
have made up my mind。〃

The legal aspect of the matter occurred to me。  What right had she to
leave me?  I might refuse to support her。  Yet even as these thoughts
came I rejected them; I knew that it was not in me to press this point。
And she could always take refuge with her father; without the children;
of course。  But the very notion sickened me。  I could not bear to think
of Maude deprived of the children。  I had seated myself again at the
table。  I put my hand to my forehead。

〃Don't make it hard; Hugh;〃 I heard her say; gently。  〃Believe me; it is
best。  I know。  There won't be any talk about it;right away; at any
rate。  People will think it natural that I should wish to go abroad for
the summer。  And laterwell; the point of view about such affairs has
changed。  They are better understood。〃

She had risen。  She was pale; still outwardly composed;but I had a
strange; hideous feeling that she was weeping inwardly。

〃Aren't you coming backever?〃 I cried。

She did not answer at once。

〃I don't know;〃 she said; 〃I don't know;〃 and left the room abruptly。。。。

I wanted to follow her; but something withheld me。  I got up and walked
around the room in a state of mind that was near to agony; taking one of
the neglected books out of the shelves; glancing at its meaningless
print; and replacing it; I stirred the fire; opened the curtains and
gazed out into the street and closed them again。  I looked around me; a
sudden intensity of hatred seized me for this big; silent; luxurious
house; I recalled Maude's presentiment about it。  Then; thinking I might
still dissuade her; I went slowly up the padded stairwayto find her
door locked; and a sense of the finality of her decision came over me。  I
knew then that I could not alter it even were I to go all the lengths of
abjectness。  Nor could I; I knew; have brought myself to have feigned a
love I did not feel。

What was it I felt?  I could not define it。  Amazement; for one thing;
that Maude with her traditional; Christian view of marriage should have
come to such a decision。  I went to my room; undressed mechanically and
got into bed。。。。

She gave no sign at the breakfast table of having made the decision of
the greatest moment in our lives; she conversed as usual; asked about the
news; reproved the children for being noisy; and when the children had
left the table there were no tears; reminiscences; recriminations。  In
spite of the slight antagonism and envy of which I was conscious;that
she was thus superbly in command of the situation; that she had developed
her pinions and was thus splendidly able to use them;my admiration for
her had never been greater。  I made an effort to achieve the frame of
mind she suggested: since she took it so calmly; why should I be tortured
by the tragedy of it?  Perhaps she had ceased to love me; after all!
Perhaps she felt nothing but relief。  At any rate; I was grateful to her;
and I found a certain consolation; a sop to my pride in the reflection
that the initiative must have been hers to take。  I could not have
deserted her。

〃When do you think of leaving?〃 I asked。

〃Two weeks from Saturday on the Olympic; if that is convenient for you。〃
Her manner seemed one of friendly solicitude。  〃You will remain in the
house this summer; as usual; I suppose?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。

It was a sunny; warm morning; and I went downtown in the motor almost
blithely。  It was the best solution after all; and I had been a fool to
oppose it。。。。  At the office; there was much business awaiting me; yet
once in a while; during the day; when the tension relaxed; the

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