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小说: iliad10 字数: 每页4000字

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sent them a fair wind; so they raised their mast and hoisted
their white sails aloft。 As the sail bellied with the wind the
ship flew through the deep blue water; and the foam hissed
against her bows as she sped onward。 When they reached the
wide…stretching host of the Achaeans; they drew the vessel
ashore; high and dry upon the sands; set her strong props beneath
her; and went their ways to their own tents and ships。

But Achilles abode at his ships and nursed his anger。 He went not
to the honourable assembly; and sallied not forth to fight; but
gnawed at his own heart; pining for battle and the war…cry。

Now after twelve days the immortal gods came back in a body to
Olympus; and Jove led the way。 Thetis was not unmindful of the
charge her son had laid upon her; so she rose from under the sea
and went through great heaven with early morning to Olympus;
where she found the mighty son of Saturn sitting all alone upon
its topmost ridges。 She sat herself down before him; and with her
left hand seized his knees; while with her right she caught him
under the chin; and besought him; saying:

〃Father Jove; if I ever did you service in word or deed among the
immortals; hear my prayer; and do honour to my son; whose life is
to be cut short so early。 King Agamemnon has dishonoured him by
taking his prize and keeping her。 Honour him then yourself;
Olympian lord of counsel; and grant victory to the Trojans; till
the Achaeans give my son his due and load him with riches in

Jove sat for a while silent; and without a word; but Thetis still
kept firm hold of his knees; and besought him a second time。
〃Incline your head;〃 said she; 〃and promise me surely; or else
deny mefor you have nothing to fearthat I may learn how
greatly you disdain me。〃

At this Jove was much troubled and answered; 〃I shall have
trouble if you set me quarrelling with Juno; for she will provoke
me with her taunting speeches; even now she is always railing at
me before the other gods and accusing me of giving aid to the
Trojans。 Go back now; lest she should find out。 I will consider
the matter; and will bring it about as you wish。 See; I incline
my head that you may believe me。 This is the most solemn promise
that I can give to any god。 I never recall my word; or deceive;
or fail to do what I say; when I have nodded my head。〃

As he spoke the son of Saturn bowed his dark brows; and the
ambrosial locks swayed on his immortal head; till vast Olympus

When the pair had thus laid their plans; they partedJove to his
house; while the goddess quitted the splendour of Olympus; and
plunged into the depths of the sea。 The gods rose from their
seats; before the ing of their sire。 Not one of them dared to
remain sitting; but all stood up as he came among them。 There;
then; he took his seat。 But Juno; when she saw him; knew that he
and the old merman's daughter; silver…footed Thetis; had been
hatching mischief; so she at once began to upbraid him。
〃Trickster;〃 she cried; 〃which of the gods have you been taking
into your counsels now? You are always settling matters in secret
behind my back; and have never yet told me; if you could help it;
one word of your intentions。〃

〃Juno;〃 replied the sire of gods and men; 〃you must not expect to
be informed of all my counsels。 You are my wife; but you would
find it hard to understand them。 When it is proper for you to
hear; there is no one; god or man; who will be told sooner; but
when I mean to keep a matter to myself; you must not pry nor ask

〃Dread son of Saturn;〃 answered Juno; 〃what are you talking
about? I? Pry and ask questions? Never。 I let you have your own
way in everything。 Still; I have a strong misgiving that the old
merman's daughter Thetis has been talking you over; for she was
with you and had hold of your knees this self…same morning。 I
believe; therefore; that you have been promising her to give
glory to Achilles; and to kill much people at the ships of the

〃Wife;〃 said Jove; 〃I can do nothing but you suspect me and find
it out。 You will take nothing by it; for I shall only dislike you
the more; and it will go harder with you。 Granted that it is as
you say; I mean to have it so; sit down and hold your tongue as I
bid you for if I once begin to lay my hands about you; though all
heaven were on your side it would profit you nothing。〃

On this Juno was frightened; so she curbed her stubborn will and
sat down in silence。 But the heavenly beings were disquieted
throughout the house of Jove; till the cunning workman Vulcan
began to try and pacify his mother Juno。 〃It will be
intolerable;〃 said he; 〃if you two fall to wrangling and setting
heaven in an uproar about a pack of mortals。 If such ill counsels
are to prevail; we shall have no pleasure at our banquet。 Let me
then advise my motherand she must herself know that it will be
betterto make friends with my dear father Jove; lest he again
scold her and disturb our feast。 If the Olympian Thunderer wants
to hurl us all from our seats; he can do so; for he is far the
strongest; so give him fair words; and he will then soon be in a
good humour with us。〃

As he spoke; he took a double cup of nectar; and placed it in his
mother's hand。 〃Cheer up; my dear mother;〃 said he; 〃and make the
best of it。 I love you dearly; and should be very sorry to see
you get a thrashing; however grieved I might be; I could not help;
for there is no standing against Jove。 Once before when I was
trying to help you; he caught me by the foot and flung me from
the heavenly threshold。 All day long from morn till eve; was I
falling; till at sunset I came to ground in the island of Lemnos;
and there I lay; with very little life left in me; till the
Sintians came and tended me。〃

Juno smiled at this; and as she smiled she took the cup from her
son's hands。 Then Vulcan drew sweet nectar from the mixing…bowl;
and served it round among the gods; going from left to right; and
the blessed gods laughed out a loud applause as they saw him
bustling about the heavenly mansion。

Thus through the livelong day to the going down of the sun they
feasted; and every one had his full share; so that all were
satisfied。 Apollo struck his lyre; and the Muses lifted up their
sweet voices; calling and answering one another。 But when the
sun's glorious light had faded; they went home to bed; each in
his own abode; which lame Vulcan with his consummate skill had
fashioned for them。 So Jove; the Olympian Lord of Thunder; hied
him to the bed in which he always slept; and when he had got on
to it he went to sleep; with Juno of the golden throne by his


  Jove sends a lying dream to Agamemnon; who thereon calls the
  chiefs in assembly; and proposes to sound the mind of his
  armyIn the end they march to fightCatalogue of the
  Achaean and Trojan forces。

Now the other gods and the armed warriors on the plain slept
soundly; but Jove was wakeful; for he was thinking how to do
honour to Achilles; and destroyed much people at the ships of the
Achaeans。 In the end he deemed it would be best to send a lying
dream to King Agamemnon; so he called one to him and said to it;
〃Lying Dream; go to the ships of the Achaeans; into the tent of
Agamemnon; and say to him word for word as I now bid you。 Tell
him to get the Achaeans instantly under arms; for he shall take
Troy。 There are no longer divided counsels among the gods; Juno
has brought them to her own mind; and woe betides the Trojans。〃

The dream went when it had heard its message; and soon reached
the ships of the Achaeans。 It sought Agamemnon son of Atreus and
found him in his tent; wrapped in a profound slumber。 It hovered
over his head in the likeness of Nestor; son of Neleus; whom
Agamemnon honoured above all his councillors; and said:

〃You are sleeping; son of Atreus; one who has the welfare of his
host and so much other care upon his shoulders should dock his
sleep。 Hear me at once; for I e as a messenger from Jove; who;
though he be not near; yet takes thought for you and pities you。
He bids you get the Achaeans instantly under arms; for you shall
take Troy。 There are no longer divided

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