贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > phenomenology of mind >


phenomenology of mind-第150章

小说: phenomenology of mind 字数: 每页4000字

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e。g。 the incarnation of God; which is found in Eastern religion; has no truth; because the concrete
actual spirit of this religion is without the reconciliation this principle implies。

It is not in place here to return from the totality of specific determinations back to the individual
determination; and show in what shape the plenitude of all the others is contained within it and
within its particular form of religion。 The higher form; when put back under a lower; is deprived of
its significance for self…conscious spirit; belongs to spirit merely in a superficial way; and is for it at
the level of presentation。 The higher form has to be considered in its own peculiar significance; and
dealt with where it is the principle of a particular religion; and is certified and approved by its
actual spirit。

                            1。 GOD AS LIGHT (2)

SPIRIT; as the absolute Being;; which is self…consciousness…or the self…conscious absolute Being;
which is all truth and knows all reality as itself — is; to begin with; merely its notion and principle in
contrast to the reality which it gives itself in the process of its conscious activity。 And this notion is;
as contrasted with the clear daylight of that explicit development; the darkness and night of its
inner life; in contrast to the existence of its various moments as independent forms or shapes; this
notion is the creative secret of its birth。 This secret has its revelation within itself; for existence has
its necessary place in this notion; because this notion is spirit knowing itself; and thus possesses in
its own nature the moment of being consciousness and of presenting itself objectively。 We have
here the pure ego; which in its externalization; in itself qua universal object; has the certainty of
self; in other words; this object is; for the ego; the interfusion of all thought and all reality。

When the first and immediate cleavage is made within self…knowing Absolute Spirit; its shape
assumes that character which belongs to immediate consciousness or to sense…certainty。 It beholds
itself in the form of being; but not being in the sense of what is without spirit; containing only the
contingent qualities of sensation — the kind of being that belongs to sense…certainty。 Its being is
filled with the content of spirit。 It also includes within it the form which we。 found in the case of
immediate self…consciousness; the form of lord and master;(3) in regard to the self…consciousness
of spirit which retreats from its object。

This being; having as its content the notion of spirit; is; then; the shape of spirit in relation simply to
itself … the form of having no special shape at all。 In virtue of this characteristic; this shape is the
pure all…containing; all…suffusing Light of the Sunrise; which preserves itself in its formless
indeterminate substantiality。 Its counterpart; its otherness; is the equally simple negative …
Darkness。 The process of its own externalization; its creations in the unresisting element of its
counterpart; are bursts of Light。 At the same time in their ultimate simplicity they are its way of
becoming something for itself; and its return from its objective existence; streams of fire consuming
its embodiment。 The distinction; which it gives itself; no doubt thrives abundantly on the substance
of existence; and shapes itself as the diverse forms of nature。 But the essential simplicity of its
thought rambles and roves about inconstant and inconsistent; enlarges its bounds to measureless
extent; and its beauty heightened to splendour is lost in its sublimity。(4)

The content; which this state of pure being evolves; its perceptive activity; is; therefore; an unreal
by…play on this substance which merely rises; without setting into itself to become subject and
secure firmly its distinctions through the self。 Its determinations are merely attributes; which do not
succeed in attaining independence; they remain merely names of the One; called by many names。
This One is clothed with the manifold powers of existence and with the shapes of reality; as with a
soulless; selfless ornament; they are merely messengers of its mighty power;(5) claiming no will of
their own; visions of its glory; voices in its praise。

This revel of heaving life(6) must; however; assume the character of distinctive self…existence; and
give enduring subsistence to its fleeting shapes。 Immediate being; in which it places itself over
against its own consciousness; is itself the negative destructive agency which dissolves its
distinctions。 It is thus in truth the Self; and spirit therefore passes on to know itself in the form of
self。 Pure Light scatters its simplicity as an infinity of separate forms; and presents itself as an
offering to self…existence; that the individual may take sustainment to itself from its substance。


SELF…CONSCIOUS spirit; passing away from abstract; formless essence and going into itself…or;
in other words; having raised its immediacy to the level of Self — makes its simple unity assume the
character of a manifold of self…existing entities; and is the religion of spiritual sense…perception。
Here spirit breaks up into an innumerable plurality of weaker and stronger; richer and poorer
spirits。 This Pantheism; which; to begin with; consists in the quiescent subsistence of these spiritual
atoms; passes into a process of active internal hostility。 The innocence; which characterizes the
flower and plant religions; and which is merely the selfless idea of Self; gives way to the
seriousness of struggling warring life; to the guilt of animal religions; the quiescence and impotence
of contemplative individuality pass into the destructive activity of separate self…existence。

It is of no avail to have removed the lifelessness of abstraction from the things of perception; and
to have raised them to the level of realities of spiritual perception: the animation of this spiritual
kingdom has death in the heart of it; owing to the determinateness and the negativity; which
overcome and trench upon the innocent indifference 'of the various species of plants' to one
another。 Owing to this determinateness and negativity; the dispersion of spirit into the multiplicity of
the passive plant…forms becomes a hostile process; in which the hatred stirred up by their
independent self…existence rages and consumes。

The actual self…consciousness at work in this dispersed and disintegrated spirit; takes the form of a
multitude of individualized mutually…antipathetic folk…spirits; who fight and hate each other to the
death; and consciously accept certain specific forms of animals as their essential being and
nature:(8) for they are nothing else than spirits of animals; or animal lives separate and cut off from
one another; and with no universality consciously present in them。

The characteristic of purely negative independent self…existence; however; consumes itself in this
active hatred towards one another; and through this process; involved in its very principle; spirit
enters into another shape。 Independent self…existence cancelled and abolished is the form of the
object; a form which is produced by the self; or rather is the self produced; the self…consuming
self; i。e。 the self that becomes a 〃thing〃。 The agent at work; therefore; retains the upper hand over
these animal spirits merely tearing each other to pieces; and his action is not merely negative; but
composed and positive。 The consciousness of spirit is; thus; now the process which is above and
beyond the immediate inherent 'universal' nature; as well as transcends the abstract self…existence
in isolation。 Since the implicit inherent nature is reduced; through opposition; to the level of a
specific character; it is no longer the proper form of Absolute Spirit; but a reality which its
consciousness finds lying over against itself as an ordinary existing fact and cancels; at the same
time this consciousness is not merely this negative cancelling self…existent being; but produces its
own objective idea of itself;…self…existence put forth in the form of an object。 This process of

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