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小说: 心理学与生活 字数: 每页4000字

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toward himself; particularly Victorian man’s approach to sexuality。 Uses the technique of dramatic 
reenactment of his ideas; with actors playing Freud and his patients。 

Freud Under Analysis (1987)。 IC(CORT); 58 minutes 

Profiles Freud’s life and contributions to the development of psychoanalytic theory; which 
established the study of the mind as a science。 Discusses his major ideas; including the function of 
sexual repression in the development of the personality; the role of the unconscious; the importance 
of childhood experiences to adult development; and the therapeutic techniques of psychoanalysis 
in controlling neurotic behaviors。 Produced for the NOVA series。 

Neurotic Behavior: A Psychodynamic View (1973)。 CRM; 19 minutes 

Illustrates several varieties of neurotic behavior and classical defense mechanisms in a vignette 
about the life of Peter; a college student。 A psychodynamic approach to behavior is used to analyze 
Peter’s life as he experiences anxiety; then repression; rationalization; displacement; and finally 
phobias and obsessive…pulsive neurosis in reaction to the psychological trauma induced by his 
mother during early training。 This film illustrates the unconscious and unintentional nature of 
defense mechanisms。 

Personality (1971)。 (CRM)MCGH; 30 minutes 

Focuses on an articulate; self…aware college senior。 It begins with his self…report; which is contrasted 
with the opinions of his parents; his girlfriend; and his roommate。 Thematic Apperception Tests are 
shown。 Good; as the TAT is an instrument many students will never have the opportunity to see; 
other than in this venue。 

Ratman (1974)。 TLF; 53 minutes 

A dramatization of one of Freud’s most famous cases。 Freud’s analysis of the obsessive behavior of 
this patient is reviewed。 

67;000 Dreams (1972)。 TLF; 30 minutes 

An interview with Carl Jung in which he talks about the development of his theory; including the 
concept of the collective unconscious。 




In 1923; personal tragedy transformed the life of an 18…year…old Texan named Howard。 This 
overprotected college freshman had never made a major decision for himself。 When a heart attack 
killed his father; only two years after the death of his mother; Howard suddenly inherited three…
fourths of the interest in the family’s lucrative tool pany。 His uncle and grandparents; who 
owned the rest of the business; urged Howard to return to school。 Despite his reputation as a shy 
and obedient boy; Howard refused。 Within four months; he bought out his relatives’ share in the 
pany。 By the time Howard was 19; a judge had granted him adult status; giving him full legal 
control of the million…dollar pany (Barlett & Steele; 1979)。 However; he had no interest in 
running the family business。 Instead; he wanted to bee the world’s top aviator and most 
famous motion picture producer。 “Then;” he told his accountant; “I want you to make me the 
richest man in the world” (Dietrich & Thomas; 1972; p。 73)。 

By the time he was 38; Howard Hughes was an American legend。 He founded the Hughes Aircraft 
pany; manufacturer of the first spacecraft to land on the moon。 He transformed Trans World 
Airlines into a 500 million empire。 He designed and built airplanes for racing; military; and 
mercial uses。 As a pilot; he broke many aviation records; capping his triumphs with a 1938 
round…the…world flight。 Ticker…tape parades in New York; Chicago; Los Angeles; and Houston 
honored his achievement (Drosnin; 1985)。 However; long before that; when he was only 20 years 
old; he had already reaped national honors producing several films; among them an Academy 
Award winner。 As head of the RKO film studio; Hughes used his power to fuel the 1950s 
antimunist purge in Hollywood。 Eventually; Hughes realized his ambition; he became the 
world’s richest man。 

Despite his incredible public success; Howard Hughes was a deeply disturbed individual。 As his 
empire expanded; he became increasingly disorganized。 He began to focus so excessively on trivial 
details that he acplished less and less。 He became a recluse; sometimes vanishing for months at 
a time。 

Hughes’s mishaps as a pilot and driver caused three deaths。 On several occasions Hughes suffered 
serious head; face; and; perhaps; brain injuries; one near…fatal plane crash resulted in what became 
a lifetime addiction to codeine (Fowler; 1986)。 His risk taking extended to the world of finance as 
well; where he lost over 100 million of taxpayers’; stockholders’; and his own money (Dietrich & 
Thomas; 1972)。 

As he grew older; Hughes became obsessed with germs。 On hearing a rumor that an actress he once 
dated had a venereal disease; he burned all his clothes; towels; and rugs。 Eventually; the only 
people allowed to see him were members of his “Mormon guard;” an elite cadre of men who never 
questioned his often bizarre orders。 Those orders included instructions to “wash four distinct and 
separate times; using lots of lather each time from individual bars of soap” (Drosnin; 1985; p。 167)。 
Anything their employer might touch they wrapped in 50…tissue swaths of Kleenex; each box 
opened with a clean; unused knife。 

Paradoxically; Hughes lived in squalor。 He rarely wore clothes or washed; never brushed his teeth; 
and used an unsterilized needle to inject himself with large doses of codeine。 He stayed in bed for 
days at a time。 The richest man in the world slowly starved his 6…foot; 4…inch frame to an emaciated 
120 pounds。 

Looking to Hughes’s childhood for clues to the paradox of his personality reveals many possible 
links between his early experiences and their later transformation。 Similar to his father; Hughes 
loved mechanical gadgets。 At age 3; he started taking pictures with a box camera。 He tinkered in his 
father’s workshop; creating objects out of bits of wire and metal。 He was allowed to play in the 
workshop—as long as he kept it spotless。 

Hughes’s parents fussed excessively about his health。 His quiet; dignified mother devoted herself 



full…time to him; taking him to the doctor at the slightest provocation。 At 14; his parents sent him to 
a boarding school in Massachusetts。 A developing hearing loss isolated him from friendships。 The 
highlight of his stay in the East was a ride with his father in a seaplane that “fired his fascination 
with airplanes and marked the beginning of a lifelong love affair with aviation; his most enduring 

Later; when he went to a California school; Hughes spent much of his time alone; riding his horse 
in the hills and visiting his Hollywood screenwriter uncle。 At his uncle’s Sunday brunches; 
Hughes met many stars and movie moguls; as did his father; who had an eye for beautiful women。 
Hughes began to perceive people as objects to be avoided or collected。 He would bring teenaged 
aspiring starlets to Hollywood; put them up in apartments; and; as they waited for stardom; forget 
all about them (Fowler; 1986)。 

A few years before Hughes’s death; his former barber reflected on the eccentric billionaire’s 
personality; “I know he has his problems: don’t we all? He just operates a little different from the 
rest of us。 Who’s to say who’s wrong?” (Keats; 1966)。 




Psychological Disorders 


On pletion of this chapter; students should be able to: 

1。 Define “normal” and “abnormal” 
2。 Identify distinguishing differences between normal and abnormal behavior 
3。 Explain current methods of studying and assessing abnormal behavior 
4。 Describe the goals of psychological assessment and classification of disorders 
5。 Explain the use of each axis of DSM…IV…TR 
6。 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the major types of psychological disorders 
7。 Explain the theoretical positions from which abnormal behavior is studied 
8。 Describe the evidence that some abnormal behaviors have a genetic ponent 
9。 Name and discuss the types of schizophrenic disorders 
10。 Sugges

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