贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > phenomenology of mind >


phenomenology of mind-第24章

小说: phenomenology of mind 字数: 每页4000字

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it struggles to get itself out of the mental embarrassment thereby produced; it will tumble into
further confusion; and possibly burst out with the assertion that in short and in fine the matter is
settled; the truth is so and so; and anything else is mere 〃sophistry〃 — a password used by plain
common sense against cultivated critical reason; like the phrase 〃visionary dreaming〃; by which
those ignorant of philosophy sum up its character once for all。 Since the man of common sense
appeals to his feeling; to an oracle within his breast; he is done with any one who does not agree。
He has just to explain that he has no more to say to any one who does not find and feel the same
as himself。 In other words; he tramples the roots of humanity underfoot。 For the nature of humanity
is to impel men to agree with one another; and its very existence lies simply in the explicit
realization of a community of conscious life。 What is anti…human; the condition of mere animals;
consists in keeping within the sphere of feeling pure and simple; and in being able to communicate
only by way of feeling…states。 

When a man asks for a royal road to science; no more convenient and comfortable way can be
mentioned to him than to put his trust in 〃healthy common sense〃。 And for the rest; to keep abreast
of the times and advance with philosophy; let him read reviews of philosophical works; and even
go the length of reading the prefaces and first paragraphs of the works themselves; for the latter
give the general principles on which everything turns; while the reviews along with the historical
notice provide over and above the critical judgment and appreciation; which; being a judgment
passed on the work; goes farther than the work that is judged。 This common way a man can take
in his dressing…gown。 But spiritual elation in the eternal; the sacred; the infinite; moves along the
highway of truth in the robes of the high priests road that; from the first; is itself immediate being in
its innermost; the inspiration of profound and original ideas and flashes of elevated thought。 All the
same; those depths do not yet reveal the well…spring of inner reality; nor; again; are these
sky…rockets the empyrean。 True thoughts and scientific insight can only be won by the labour of
the notion。 Conceptions alone can produce universality in the knowing process。 This universality is
critically developed and completely finished knowledge。 It is not the common indefiniteness and
inadequacy of ordinary intelligence。 Nor; again; is it that extraordinary kind of universality where
the powers and potencies of reason are spoiled and ruined by genius through indolence and
self…conceit。 It is truth which has successfully reached its own inherent native form。 It is this
universality which is capable of being the property of every self…conscious reason。 

               19。   Conclusion: the author's relation to the public

Since I have taken the self…development of the notion to be the medium wherein science really
exists; and since in those respects to which I have drawn attention; as well as in others; current
ideas about the nature of truth and the shape it assumes deviate from my view; and indeed are
quite opposed to my position; the consideration of this divergence of view does not seem to
promise well for a favourable reception of an attempt to expound the system of science in this
sense。 In the meantime; I may call to mind that while e。g。 the supreme merit of Plato's philosophy
has sometimes been held to consist in his myths which are scientifically valueless; there have also
been times; spoken of even as times of mere sentimental enthusiasm; when the Aristotelian
philosophy has been respected on account of its speculative depth of insight; and when the
Parmenides of Plato — perhaps the greatest literary product of ancient dialectic — has been taken
to be the positive expression of the divine life; the unveiling and disclosing of its inmost truth。 I may
reflect; too; that notwithstanding much cloudy obscurity which was the product of ecstasy; this
misunderstood ecstasy was in point of fact meant to be nothing else than the activity of the pure
notion; furthermore; that what is best in the philosophy of our time takes its value to lie in its
scientific character; and that; even though others take a different view; it is only in virtue of its
scientific character that recent philosophy really gains validity and acceptance。 Thus; then; I may
hope too that this attempt to justify the claim of science to be a conceptual process; and
systematically to develop and present science in this its own peculiar medium; will manage to make
a way for itself by the inherent truth of the result accomplished。 We may rest assured that it is the
nature of truth to force its way to recognition when the time comes; and that it only appears when
its time has come; and hence never appears too soon; and never finds a public that is not ripe to
receive it。 And; further; we may be sure that the individual thinker requires this result to take place;
in order to give him confidence in regard to what is no more as yet than a matter for himself singly
and alone; and in order to find his assurance; which in the first instance merely belongs to a
particular individual; realized as something universal。 In this connection; however; it is very often
necessary to distinguish the public from those who take upon themselves to be its representatives
and spokesmen。 The public takes up an attitude in many respects quite different from the latter;
indeed; even opposed to them。 Whereas the public good…naturedly and generously will rather take
the blame upon itself when a philosophical work is not quite acceptable or intelligible to it; these
〃representatives〃; on the contrary; convinced of their own competence; put all the blame on the
authors。 The influence of the work on the public is more silent than the action of those
〃representatives〃; who are like the dead burying their dead。 While the general level of insight at the
present time is in the main more highly cultivated; its curiosity more quickened and alert; and its
judgment more swiftly made up and pronounced; so that the feet of those who will carry you out
are already at the door: at the same time we have often to distinguish from all this the slower and
more gradual effect which rectifies the direction of attention caught and compelled by imposing
assurances; corrects; too; contemptuous censure; and after a little provides a contemporary
audience for one part; while another after a temporary vogue finds no audience with posterity any

For the rest; at a time when the universal nature of spiritual life has become so very much
emphasized and strengthened; and the mere individual aspect has become; as it should be;
correspondingly a matter of indifference; when; too; that universal aspect holds; by the entire range
of its substance; the full measure of the wealth it has built up; and lays claim to it all; the share in
the total work of mind that falls to the activity of any particular individual can only be very small。
Because this is so; the individual must all the more forget himself; as in fact the very nature of
science implies and requires that he should; and he must; moreover; become and do what he can。
But all the less must be demanded of him; just as he can expect the less from himself; and may ask
the less for himself。


                                    § 1

It is natural to suppose that; before philosophy enters upon its subject proper…namely; the actual
knowledge of what trulv is…it is necessary to come first to an understanding concerning knowledge;
which is looked upon as the instrument by which to take possession of the Absolute; or as the
means through which to get a sight of it。 The apprehension seems legitimate; on the one hand that
there may be various kinds of knowledge; among which one might be better adapted than another
for the attainment of our purpose…and thus a wrong choice is possible: on the other hand again
that; since knowing is a faculty of a definite kind and with a determinate range; without the more
precise det

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